What’s Included

Every session. Every time.

Allllll the planning and Q&A you need.

Unlimited viewing of photos of possible outfits lying on the bed or the floor to see what will look best for your family.

Unlimited poses.

Professional Editing/Retouching. (Blemishes, Bruises, Dirt on shoes, the wrinkle in shirts and pants from the drive over, the stain on the kids’ shirt from eating in the car on the way here, even (the crowd favorite) whitening teeth. Literally, EVERYTHING.)

Composites, as needed. (Composites meaning fixing kiddos looking every which way, someone’s blinking, someone is mid-sentence, there’s a random hand on someone’s shoulder that looks weird, etc.)

Professional Photo Selection. We are our own worst critics. I will choose the photos that everyone looks amazing in; I throw in hilarious bloopers, too. Those are usually the favorites!

All quality images (excluding Mini Sessions) formatted for high quality printing.

Private Online Gallery to approve images before final files are sent. (Maybe dad wants his bald spot fixed, maybe I missed a bruise on someone’s knee, etc. I’m not perfect, I definitely make mistakes.)

All quality images (excluding Mini Sessions) formatted to look best on social media.

Accurate Color Rendition. I process my photos to be true to life, clean editing with rich color.

Final files sent via convenient online transfer service.

Print Release with Full Resolution